Error: Data structure returned is not convertible in the requested format. Try to call this method with the parameters '&format=original&serialize=1'; you will get the original php data structure serialized. The data structure looks like this: $data = array ( 'website' => 'LiGO', 'prettyDate' => 'April 2024', 'metadata' => array ( 'category' => 'Visitors', 'subcategory' => 'Locations', 'name' => 'Country', 'module' => 'UserCountry', 'action' => 'getCountry', 'dimension' => 'Country', 'documentation' => 'This report shows which country your visitors were in when they accessed your website.', 'metrics' => array ( 'nb_visits' => 'Visits', 'nb_actions' => 'Actions', ), 'metricsDocumentation' => array ( 'nb_visits' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'nb_actions' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'avg_time_on_site' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'bounce_rate' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'conversion_rate' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', ), 'processedMetrics' => array ( 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'avg_time_on_site' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'bounce_rate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'conversion_rate' => 'Conversion Rate', ), 'imageGraphUrl' => 'index.php?module=API&method=ImageGraph.get&idSite=2&apiModule=UserCountry&apiAction=getCountry&token_auth=anonymous&period=month&date=today', 'imageGraphEvolutionUrl' => 'index.php?module=API&method=ImageGraph.get&idSite=2&apiModule=UserCountry&apiAction=getCountry&token_auth=anonymous&period=month&date=2021-11-01,2024-04-30', 'uniqueId' => 'UserCountry_getCountry', ), 'columns' => array ( 'label' => 'Country', 'nb_visits' => 'Visits', 'nb_actions' => 'Actions', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'avg_time_on_site' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'bounce_rate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'conversion_rate' => 'Conversion Rate', ), 'reportData' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'Germany', 'nb_visits' => 57, 'nb_actions' => 162, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 2.8, 'avg_time_on_site' => '00:02:11', 'bounce_rate' => '75%', )), 1 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'United States', 'nb_visits' => 5, 'nb_actions' => 5, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.0, 'avg_time_on_site' => '00:00:00', 'bounce_rate' => '100%', )), 2 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'Unknown', 'nb_visits' => 3, 'nb_actions' => 3, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.0, 'avg_time_on_site' => '00:00:00', 'bounce_rate' => '100%', )), 3 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'Russia', 'nb_visits' => 2, 'nb_actions' => 2, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.0, 'avg_time_on_site' => '00:00:00', 'bounce_rate' => '100%', )), 4 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'Austria', 'nb_visits' => 1, 'nb_actions' => 1, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.0, 'avg_time_on_site' => '00:00:00', 'bounce_rate' => '100%', )), 5 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'China', 'nb_visits' => 1, 'nb_actions' => 1, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.0, 'avg_time_on_site' => '00:00:00', 'bounce_rate' => '100%', )), 6 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'United Kingdom', 'nb_visits' => 1, 'nb_actions' => 2, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 2.0, 'avg_time_on_site' => '00:00:04', 'bounce_rate' => '0%', )), ), 'currentId' => 785, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), 'reportMetadata' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'code' => 'de', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/de.png', 'segment' => 'countryCode==de', 'logoHeight' => 16, )), 1 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'code' => 'us', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/us.png', 'segment' => 'countryCode==us', 'logoHeight' => 16, )), 2 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'code' => 'xx', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/xx.png', 'segment' => 'countryCode==xx', 'logoHeight' => 16, )), 3 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'code' => 'ru', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/ru.png', 'segment' => 'countryCode==ru', 'logoHeight' => 16, )), 4 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'code' => 'at', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/at.png', 'segment' => 'countryCode==at', 'logoHeight' => 16, )), 5 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'code' => 'cn', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/cn.png', 'segment' => 'countryCode==cn', 'logoHeight' => 16, )), 6 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'code' => 'gb', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/gb.png', 'segment' => 'countryCode==gb', 'logoHeight' => 16, )), ), 'currentId' => 784, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), 'reportTotal' => array ( 'nb_visits' => 70, 'nb_actions' => 176, 'max_actions' => 48.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 7472, 'bounce_count' => 55, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors' => 63, 'sum_daily_nb_users' => 0, 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 2.5, ), 'timerMillis' => '227', );